Electronic Device Policy

- Just pretend it is 1995 -

District Policy:

  • Cell phones and other communication devices are not permitted to be in the “on” mode or used in any fashion (calling, texting, receiving calls, receiving text, used as a music/video player, camera, or any other electronic application) during class time. Class time is defined by from the start of class bell to the end of the class bell.

Disciplinary Action:

  • 1st = Confiscation of device (to be held in student office) and returned to a parent or legal guardian.

  • 2nd = Confiscation of device (to be held in student office) and returned to a parent or legal guardian.

  • 3rd = Confiscation of device (to be held in student office) and returned to a parent or legal guardian and student will lose cell phone privileges for rest of semester.

  • 4th = Confiscation of device (to be held in student office) and returned to a parent or legal guardian and student will lose cell phone privileges for rest of the year.

Mr. Carl's Policy/Action:

  • Everyone in my lab has access to a District personal computer. There is absolutely NO reason to have any personal electronics in my lab. All personal electronics MUST BE OFF (not on standby). If I see you using your device, I will ask for it. I will not give you any warnings. It doesn’t matter what you’re using it for, whether you’re checking the time or using it as a calculator. If I see it, I will ask for it, so your best bet is to just keep it out of sight. If I do collect your device, I will turn it into the office for your parent/guardian to pick up.