Mr. Carl's Classroom

Welcome to my website! My name is Bob Carl and I am a Career and Technical Education (CTE) Educator in Computer Science and Cybersecurity at Hastings High School. The purpose of this web site is to provide information and resources to students, parents and fellow educators.

Collapsible navigation is on the left - meaning you can expand or minimize each section by clicking on the down-arrow to the left of the main links.

ABOUT ME: Contains information about my education, experiences, professional organizations, resume, etc. You should be able to get a good idea about who I am and what I stand for from this section.

CLASSROOM: Contains information about my classroom such as rules, social contract, announcements, and general information on how my classroom operates.

CONTACT ME:  Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.  I love to help others - especially with technology!

COURSES: These are the courses I teach at Hastings High School. Some courses are ran as traditional courses and some are ran as blended learning as to allow students more opportunities in the areas they may have interest in.

RESOURCES: Contains many resources for students, parents and staff. Resources include Career and Technical Education (CTE) resources, course resources, technology resources and many others.